(Official website) Originally scheduled to be published by WeMade Entertainment, Digimon Masters Online is now being published by Joyxmas instead. Joymax is known worldwide for its MMO, Silkroad Online and it has recently bought over the developer for Lost Saga…
Dragonica Japan – New Origin Part II
Released a few days ago, the information was late due to ChinaJoy 2011 (again). So, Part II for the New Origins update for Dragonica Japan was teased, with the female Dragonkin (or Newt) getting the new Fighter class. A devastating…
Bluehole Studio – TERA development not affected
Hmn, this news came as a late addition to the day (it is evening now in most parts of Asia). Following the online uproar about former TERA development director/ producer Yong-Hyun Park’s resignation (link), media from both East and West…
TERA Japan – Observers report gloomy forecast
Following the resignation of TERA’s top development staff (link), several foreign media posted their observations of the situations, with most predicting a gloomy forecast in the near future. Ironically, the Open Beta date for TERA Japan was announced within the…
Infinite Worlds – Game getting much attention from the industry
If you have followed by blog, you would have read about Infinite Worlds, an upcoming MMORPG from China. Is it a fantasy game? A sci-fi game? A martial arts game? Well, it is in fact all of these genres within…
[gamescom 2011] Preview – Carbine to reveal new MMO
Hmn, I don’t think there will be much interesting news from gamescom 2011 which will be held in 2 weeks’ time, but I guess I will post anything I can dig up. Carbine Studios, one of NCsoft’s subsidiary development studio…
Eden Eternal (TW) – Bears and the Child
Also known as Finding Neverland Online in Taiwan, the native server saw a mega patch just a few days ago. Due to the massive ChinaJoy convention this year, I decided to postpone this post till now. Before I get to…
TERA – Development Director resigns
According to foreign reports, Mr Park, the Development Director (or Chief Producer etc) for Bluehole Studio’s maiden MMORPG, TERA, resigned on 29th July last week. This decision was said to be due to the game not meeting expectations and hitting…
Diablo III – Surprise addition to auction house
(Source) While technically not a MMO, one of the most anticipated PC games in recent years added an element of MMO to its core features. Introducing the auction house system in Blizzard’s Diablo III, where not only can items be…
AIKA Epic II: Exodus – Major content update
So, AIKA Korea got updated recently and quite a number of new updates and content were patched. For the past few months, much focus was on the PvP Tournaments for the game, hence new content is very much welcomed for…
The Weekend Journal
So, I got some help to briefly redesign my small blog and was down for a few days. I am glad to receive several emails asking me what happened to my blog and access was restricted. I apologize as well…
[ChinaJoy 2011] Crytek speaks on Warface
Warface is a new MMOFPS developed by Crytek Seoul using their latest engine, CryEngine 3, which wa sused to power Crysis 2. The unique thing about this project is that Warface is built to cater for the Asian crowd, at…
[ChinaJoy 2011] Final Combat media conference
By now some of you would have heard of Final Combat, China company Xunlei’s new online shooter. The past few videos have drawn various criticism with regards to glaring similarities with a fan favorite shooter, Team Fortress 2, but the…
[ChinaJoy 2011] Firefall to launch in December
According to an interview by Tencent Games with Red 5 Studio’s CEO, Mark Kern, the Firefall Beta for North America will being this December. Updated: The game will LAUNCH in December, not begin the beta test phase. He also stated…