8712 Articles134 Comments

Your average online gamer who is bilingual in Chinese and English, although he does try to play Japanese and Korean games sometimes. Online gaming since 1999, and has worked in the online gaming and mobile gaming industry (Journalist, Game Master, Community Manager, Operations Manager) since 2008.

Eternal Blade – Trailer for new Gala-Net game debuts

I am guessing gPotato is more well-known in the West as a MMO publisher, but not many knows that its parent company, Gala-Net, actually has development studios (Gala-Lab) in Japan and Korea. 2 of the more famous games from the…

Star Wars : The Old Republic – My personal opinions

So, having played just a little while over the weekend, I decided to post a few thoughts about what I feel with regards to Star Wars: The Old Republic. As you can see, the game is not using any of…

Firefall – Media confirms record multi-million deal for SEA server

It has been confirmed that Garena signed the rights for Firefall Southeast Asia after signing a contract with Red 5 Studios and The9. First posted as a rumor a couple of weeks back, the deal is said to be worth around USD 23,000,000,…

Project D (KR) – A victim of circumstances

A few days back, Project D’s game trailer was uploaded onto YouTube by Korean developer, Gream Studio. However, it was reported the game is still not in further development now due to some issues, mostly about financial backing. You see,…

Star Wars : The Old Republic – Some game footage

So, Bioware and EA’s baby finally got into the final beta testing weekend and will be launching in less than a month’s time. Despite me not really attracted to the game (although I did order a Collector’s Edition), I have…

Final Combat – Brief look at Closed Beta

You probably would have read about this game or seen the trailers I uploaded sometime back which bears close resemblance with Team Fortress 2. Leading the development of Final Combat, a China online shooter, is producer Troy Horton, who was…

MapleStory Korea – Account database hacked

Earlier yesterday, Nexon Korea announced that the database for MapleStory was hacked. The personal details of 18,000,000 registered accounts and 13,000,000 active playing accounts were apparently exposed to a 3rd party. These details include the players’ real names, account userid,…

Luna Story: ELs – Sequel to the popular Luna Online announced

Looks like Eyasoft is back in business after facing some financial troubles earlier on, which was partially helped by Nexon Korea buying some of the company’s shares. Business side apart, this is Luna Story: Els, a sequel to both Luna…

Taiwanese developer X-Legend to be stock listed

It has been an extremely good 2011 for Taiwanese online games developer X-Legend so far, with various of its titles hitting the overseas market and receving rave reviews. To top the glorious year off, the company will be listed on…

Queen’s Blade Online – The ladies are here to stay

Last month, I first posted about Queen’s Blade Online, a new MMORPG developed by Korean studio Liveplex, which is more famous currently for Dragona Online. Queen’s Blade will have no playable male characters at all, meaning everyone will be using…

Unveiled : The Supernatural – Exclusive developer interview

  Most of you readers who are kept updated about the latest happenings in online gaming would have heard about this new studio’s name or its maiden title. This is Maverick Studios, a new Korean developer aiming to stamp its…

Swordsman Online – Some basic combat notes

Well, it has been some time since I posted anything about Perfect World’s upcoming martial arts MMORPG, Swordsman Online. Along with Age of Wulin and Butterfly Sword Online, it is the Big 3 martial arts MMO anticipated by gamers in…

ArcheAge (KR) – Dance fever !!!

XLGAMES, the developer for ArcheAge, recently uploaded a new dance trailer displaying the light social side of the game. If you think that is just so simple, think again! The dance system is something XLGAMES took a serious look at…

Lune of Eden – Debut trailer revealed

The game isn’t exactly new, as it was previously known as Last Online, touted as “Devil May Cry Online” among the foreign media back then. I posted some info in 2010, but I am not sure if the publishers are…