Woah, what a week of change. According to Korea’s metric website, GameNote, Diablo 3 rose back 16 spots, up to 4th in an incredible surge. The promised changes in the upcoming patches and updates must have worked wonders. On the…
Mabinogi Heroes: Season 2 – Awesome new raid trailer
Season 2 was released as a “side-story” for Mabinogi Heroes a couple of weeks ago, and with the update comes new places, new equips and of course, new raids. The latest trailer stars the 2 new raid bosses, Rakiora (snake)…
GunZ 2: The Second Duel – Closed Beta 1 announced
After years of waiting since announcement, the sequel to the popular 2004 online action game, GunZ 2: The Second Duel, will finally enter its first Closed Beta phase on 30th August and end on 2nd September, lasting a grand total…
Gamescom 2012 – The ending note to a great event
Like I said before, I have never gone to an actual games convention before in my life, be it ChinaJoy, G*Star, E3 etc. I mean, blogging and writing about MMO games is more like a hobby of mine, not my…
Gamescom 2012 – A look at the “secretive” Business area
In most game conventions, such as ChinaJoy, G*Star and Gamescom, there is bound to be a “Business area” which is out of bounds to the public. This is a place where secret talks are held, games are being announced in…
Wargaming.net – Gamescom party rocked by LMFAO
I am never a party or clubbing person, and this is only the 2nd time I have stepped into 1. Initially hesitant to attend Wargaming.net’s Gamescom 2012 Party, the performance by LMFAO justified my presence. Yes, the music sometimes make…
Black Gold Online – A notch up for the graphics
Also hidden in the Business area, away from consumers’ eyes, is the Snail Game booth, where Black Gold Online is the main star. Talking to Snail Game’s representative, I was informed that the game is using the same engine as…
PlanetSide 2 booth – PC Gamer beta players “next Monday”
There wasn’t really any interesting stuff going on at PlanetSide 2‘s booth over at Gamescom 2012, with just the usual queuing up for a try at the demo. Being 1 of those who got my beta key from PC Gamer…
Wargaming – Interview on zombie tanks, global server and more
Invited by Wargaming.net to Gamescom 2012, there is bound to be an exclusive session with the developer of popular online war games such as World of Tanks and World of Warplanes. As a non-fan of the series, I got Wargaming.net’s…
Wargaming.net booth – The most flashy and sexy booth
With many booths at Gamescom with huge and towering posters, there is nothing really to be impressed about since everyone is so similar. Enter Wargaming.net’s Gamescom 2012 booth. Instead of the static posters, Wargaming,net had a top-to-bottom giant screen instead…
Daybreak – The special surprise found at Gamescom
If you haven’t read about this new Chinese MMORPG call Daybreak yet, do visit my initial post on it. With a booth hidden in the Business area, I managed to speak to Mr Edward Wang, Business Manager for developer Linekong,…
Defiance booth – The game which got away
Why was Defiance “the game which got away”? Well, it is because the game ran into some technical error and my group never really got to play it. I was in the game for like 2 minutes, and Defiance is…
Guild Wars 2 booth – ArenaNet conjures water magic
ArenaNet has never been shy about releasing the latest news online, so it is no surprise I didn’t hear about any ground-breaking news update for the game at Gamescom 2012. Still, the booth itself should be news, as the little…
Shadow Company booth – Nexon’s only game at the show
Nexon was always the target of negativity by the European gamers, seeing how games always launch in the region the last. Hence, I was surprised to even see a Nexon booth with the latest announced game, Shadow Company. And demo…