Chaos Online was first launched in Korea and China last year, before the Japan server was confirmed a few weeks back. The first English server is also in the works, and I will touch on that later. Chaos Online is…
Onigiri: Pandemonium – New MOBA with mythical Japanese theme
Before I begin, “Onigiri” here does not stand for the triangle or oval-shaped rice ball wrapped with seaweed. Onigiri: Pandemonium is a newly announced 3D MOBA developed by Japanese studio, CyberStep, which is well-known for titles such as GetAmped! and…
Kritika – Open Beta phase brought forward for new action title
Developed by the studio which made Lunia Online, Kritika is 1 of the most anticipated F2P titles in Korea at this time. While Open Beta was originally scheduled for March, it has now been brought forward to 26th February (subject…
Steal Fighter – New trailer as Open Beta on the horizon
Crafted using Unreal Engine 2.5 and combining elements from the MOBA and RPG genre, Steal Fighter is set to enter Open Beta on 21st February in Korea under publisher Gravity Games. A new Open Beta trailer is attached below. …
Wargaming – Studio purchase continues with Gas Powered Games
A couple of weeks after announcing the company’s entry into console gaming with the formation of Wargaming West (via purchasing Day 1 Studios for USD 20million), Wargaming has now strengthen its PC portfolio again by taking over financially-troubled Gas Powered…
NCsoft – Unreal Engine 4 contract signed for “new masterpiece”
Not really any ground-breaking news, NCsoft just announced a deal with Epic Games for Unreal Engine 4. This engine will specifically be used for NCsoft’s “new masterpiece”, which will be of an online genre. This should not come as a…
Ghosts ‘n Goblins Online – New boss battle videos as Open Beta nears
With Open Beta service beginning in a few hours in Korea, games website Inven Korea has uploaded a couple of videos showing the boss battles in CJ E&M’s Ghosts ‘n Goblins Online. Developed by Seed9 with the help of Capcom,…
Ghost in the Shell Online – Launch schedule announced
At a Ghost in the Shell event held yesterday in Japan (not Korea), the online game series revealed late last year was further detailed by Nexon at a media conference held in Japan, where Nexon is being stock-listed. Seen below…
Wizardry Online – Japan server reveals new elite jobs
With the English server entering its Open Beta phase just a couple of weeks back under Sony Online Entertainment, the Japanese developer and publisher, Gamepot, has revealed 4 new elite jobs – Samurai, Bishop, Lord and Ninja (each with various…
Outspark – Company yet to close down as management decides fate
As many of you would have read a couple of days back, Outspark’s biggest game, Fiesta, has been moved to Gamigo, which will now service both the North America and Europe players. While all of Outspark’s games have closed and…
Eternal Blade – Japan server scheduled for Spring 2013 service
While Gala-Net’s North America, Europe and Brazil services were sold to Webzen a couple of days back, the development arm of the corporation, Gala Lab, remains intact with business as usual. Eternal Blade, 1 of the 2 upcoming self-developed titles,…
Core Online – Open Beta event prizes to include new BMW car
Core Online is currently celebrating the upcoming Open Beta phase with various events, with a BMW 120D Urban Line as the grand prize. There are tour trips, several branded watches, YSL and Gucci bags to be given out as well,…
Mirror War – Exciting old school shooter signed for Indonesia
Perhaps 1 of the few games I really like based on just looking and researching about, Indonesia’s PT. KREON has been announced as the first company overseas to sign L&K Logic Korea’s Mirror War. An old school arcade shooter, the…