8712 Articles134 Comments

Your average online gamer who is bilingual in Chinese and English, although he does try to play Japanese and Korean games sometimes. Online gaming since 1999, and has worked in the online gaming and mobile gaming industry (Journalist, Game Master, Community Manager, Operations Manager) since 2008.

Lineage Eternal – NCsoft reveals official Closed Beta game trailer

Contrary to popular belief, NCsoft is not part of G-Star 2016 starting this week, hence it is just hyping the Closed Beta phase for Lineage Eternal during the same period. On 24th November, NCsoft will announce the list of lucky…

Final Fantasy Legends II – Quick look at new mobile RPG in FF series

One of the many Final Fantasy mobile games to be launched in different regions over the next few months, Final Fantasy Legends II quietly opened up to players in Japan with very minimal fanfare and advertisement. A turn-based 2D pixel mobile…

Gulong Heroes – Martial arts mobile game launches in select SEA countries

Gulong Heroes is a new mobile game which recently launched in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam. If you did not know, Gulong is one of the most famous martial arts novelist in Asia, just behind Louis Cha. He has created…

Bravely Default: Fairy’s Effect – Square Enix reveals new mobile RPG

Now preparing a whole battalion of mobile games to launch next year, Square Enix today announced yet another title to that list, Bravely Default: Fairy’s Effect. Co-developed by Square Enix and Silicon Studio, this is the second adventure for the…

Kingdom Story – New mobile game based on Asian classic novel launches

NHN Entertainment today released Kingdom Story: Brave Legion on iOS and Android mobile platforms. Kingdom Story: Brave Legion was developed by Picneko, developers of the creative and well-received game “War Story” in Korea. The game features characters and stories from…

Revelation Online – Details about massive guild feature revealed

[Register now] Global publisher and developer NetEase began the first round for players to test the Closed Beta last Thursday for its Asian fantasy MMORPG, Revelation Online. Tens of thousands of people connected to the game, and Revelation Online…

Lineage Eternal – Closed Beta 1 starting this month in South Korea

NCsoft today announced South Korean players are now able to register in the upcoming Closed Beta 1 for Lineage Eternal, which will run from 30th November to 4th December (5 days). New game content information will be added regularly to…

Black Desert Online – Valkyrie awakening arrives in English server

[Game website] A new class has gained her Awakening status in Black Desert Online. The Valkyrie normally deals with her enemies using her sword and defenses, but she can now swap to a fearsome one-handed lance which grants her extra…

Final Fantasy XV – Machine Zone is now working on new mobile MMO

[Source] Square Enix and Machine Zone recently announced a partnership where the latter will develop a mobile MMO based on the world of Final Fantasy XV. Machine Zone, known as MZ, is known for their extravagant marketing campaigns for Game…

Nexon – Over 30 games announced at G-Star 2016 preview event

Nexon, Korea’s largest gaming company, today announced a huge lineup of over 30 PC and mobile games set to launch from now until 2017. Some of them will be showcased at G-Star 2016 later this month, although it is unclear…

Atom Catch Catch – Chinese studio butchers classic icon for Korea

Astro Boy is one of those icons which I grew up with, and it is sad how he is butchered in the new mobile game, Atom Catch Catch. Developed by Chinese studio Longtu and published in Korea through its local subsidiary,…

Bluehole Studio – TERA studio grows again with recruitment drive

Bluehole Studio (currently known as Bluehole), the Korean developer behind TERA, is expanding again with its recruitment drive starting from 11th to 20th November. Bluehole currently has 5 studios under its wings, currently with a total of 2 PC online…

Overwatch – Development team talks about Sombra the ultimate hacker

Blizzard Entertainment finally revealed the 23rd hero in Overwatch, Sombra, at BlizzCon 2016. Originally rumored to be part of the founding team of Overwatch (the good guys), she is actually part of the shady Talon organization. With her right click,…

Diablo III – Necromancer announced as part of paid DLC next year

Blizzard Entertainment just announced it is re-creating the original Diablo in Diablo III, with 16 levels of underground horror for players to conquer, including facing off against all 4 Prime Evils again! As expected, the new Necromancer class is announced…